Recycled Resources

Steel is one of the most malleable and recyclable resources we have. Steel can be entirely reshaped and reformed even after it gets old without losing its famed durability. That being the case, it’s possible to construct a steel building that’s made from 100% recycled materials. Compare this to a wood-frame house that requires an entire acre’s worth of trees to be cut down for every 2,000 square feet.

Eco-Friendly Production

When most people imagine pollution, they may picture the standard image of a factory’s smokestack. Fortunately, steel production is considerably eco-friendly, so you don’t have to worry about harmful emissions during production. In fact, steel production is so efficient that the grand total of carbon dioxide emissions is zero. Within the production process, water plays a major role. In modern factories, all water used for production is recycled.
Unrelenting Durability
Steel is widely known for its durability. It may just be the most durable material you can use for building construction. Not only does it hold up well against harsh forces like heavy snow and rain, but it generally lasts longer than any other kind of material. Steel doesn’t warp in response to changing temperatures, and it can’t be infected with termites. That means you won’t have to worry about maintenance and replacement nearly as much as you would with a wood building. That, in turn, means fewer resources are required for upkeep.

Reduced Labor Demand

Steel buildings these days often come prefabricated in kits. Whether you pick a kit out of a catalog or work with a team of engineers to create a special design for your own unique use, the overall effect is the same: You end up with pieces that were designed to fit together without the need for construction experience to put them together. While you should call on experts for particularly large structures, some small steel buildings are completely DIY. That means less travel for laborers and less time using construction equipment, both of which can also save gas.

Energy Efficiency

Steel is unique in that it can provide insulation options fairly easily. Much of a building’s operational costs come from heating and cooling, and steel makes both of those factors easy. Reflective roof panels can keep the building cool, while interior insulation, which is remarkably easy to install with steel, keeps the interior warm. The degree to which you commit to either depends on your climate, but steel buildings have the flexibility to go either way or do both.

Going green with steel buildings is easy when you work with Metal Pro Buildings. All of our buildings use 100% recycled materials, and we can work with you to optimize the design before the pieces are crafted. Contact us today to get started on your next eco-friendly building.